Friday – Saturday, March 16 – 17, Lopez Island

— from Rhys Hansen Ag Summit Coordinator–

We are only two weeks away from the largest gathering of farmers, agrarians, and food-enthusiasts in the county. The 6th Annual San Juan Islands Agricultural Summit will take place Lopez Island on March 16-17, 2018. Grow your inspiration at this gathering of over 150 local farmers, food producers, businesses, and food advocates for two days of events, education and community camaraderie.

Friday morning features a variety of extended and hands-on workshops on farms and in classrooms around Lopez Island. Like cheese? Want to know more about dairy farms in San Juan County? Attend a tour of Sunnyfield Farm (including cheese tasting!). How about a tour of the Lopez School Garden and presentations from their students, educators and the school chef to explore Farm to Cafeteria in action? Looking for something a little more technical? What about hands-on entomology for farmers and gardeners?

Everyone is welcome to join Friday Night for the Taste of the San Juans! Featuring fine bites from Lopez, San Juan and Orcas islands, explore flavors with your favorite chefs in the county in this fun and family-friendly event. $5 entrance, $2 per taste ticket. All tickets sold at the door.

Saturday is our main event, with a keynote panel sharing their stories of farming history and agrarian culture of our islands’ pasts. Then choose from 16 different sessions on four educational tracks for a full day of farm and food-systems education. Join us for an update on the developing San Juan County Food Hub, bring your questions to the livestock panel, or learn more about Fruit and Nut tree cultivation in the islands. These are just a couple of the Saturday offerings. Breakfast and lunch are included in registration.

After the Summit, gather your friends new and old for the Summit Social at Lopez Grange. Sugar Baby Eats will have delicious food for purchase. Plenty of time to socialize and make it home on the last interisland boat at 9:50.

Online registration runs through March 12th; Friday workshops are $25, Saturday Sessions are $70, $80 at the door.

For a complete list of workshops and session, tickets and more information, please visit our Eventbrite Page. Questions can be directed to or (360) 370-7667.

Find us on Facebook: 2018 San Juan Islands Ag Summit Taste of the San Juans

Reasonable accommodations will be made for persons with disabilities and special needs who contact or 360 370-7667 at least two weeks prior to the event. Extension programs are available to all without discrimination.