Sunday, June 26, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m., Madrona Room

— by Lin McNulty —

ProtectAndSerrve_9cLocal author Norm Stamper (Orcas Issues interview) kicks off a national book tour next week with a reading and signing on Orcas Island.

To Protect and Serve: How to Fix America’s Police (Orcas Issues review) addresses the ever-increasing numbers of police shootings of unarmed black men across the country. The book, published by Nation Books, was just released earlier this month.

Darvills Bookstore will be on hand with a supply of books for purchase.

To Protect and Serve not only addresses the current problem, Stamper also offers nationwide solutions that promise to reduce the growing epidemic. The answer lies not only with the police agencies themselves, but with their communities.