— from Velma Doty —

BRAVO & THANKS  to the Hundreds who came to CENTER YOURSELF  May 29.

  • Greeted by TOP HATS  and directed to areas with docents to begin a walk down memory lane with displays of 40 + years of history and memorabilia, display boards, scrap books, four areas to view on screen past performances.
  • Strolled up YELLOW BRICK RD to the storage building to observe the massive amount of materials used for productions.
  • Greeted throughout the building with tasty hors d’oeuvres offered by the many dozens of volunteers.
  • Entertained by roving entertainers while exploring every nook and cranny of the building now 30 years old.
  • Visited  Make up Room in action as well as bits of old favorite play Arsenic & Old Lace.
  • Enjoyed the beautiful rose garden.
  • Said hello in the Madrona room to groups who use the Center while enjoying beverages and dessert.

The Names to acknowledge are to numerous list. Having participated as part of the Orcas Center Family in planning, putting out posters,  parking, top hats, docents, servers, kitchen, technical, clean up, entertainers, or what ever capacity. YOU made it happen.

Thanks are due to the past and present trustees of Orcas Center for the $$ out of their pocket to made it possible for Juliana to provide the massive amount of refreshment, to Island Market for their space [offered to non profits] on the back page of The Sounder, to inform you of this event.

A big Happy 30th Birthday to our fine facility and thanks to the members who have kept it the focus point of our island. SO SAD if you missed it. With Gratitude Velma Doty