— from Colin Maycock, Planner IV, Department of Community Development —

The San Juan County Council is meeting on Tuesday, March 8, 2016 to review and discuss the draft components of the Shoreline Master Plan (SMP).

The SMP public hearing on November 30th, 2015 generated approximately 1,000 comments from concerned citizens. In order to address these concerns, staff met with the Council to review and respond to the comments on the following dates: January 11, 12, 13, 14, 25, 26; February 1, 2, 5, 8 and 22 of 2016. Each of these meetings was streamed live and is available for viewing on the County website.

The meeting on Tuesday, March 8, 2016 is to review and consider the revised documents and to consider scheduling a new public hearing date.

The draft staff report for the March 8, 2016 meeting can be found at: https://sanjuanco.com/CDP/docs/SMP/2016-03-02_DCD_transmittal_SMP_CCfor_approval_as_PH_draft.pdf

The draft goals and policies element or the March 8, 2016 meeting can be found at:


The draft ordinance for the March 8, 2016 meeting can be found at: https://sanjuanco.com/CDP/docs/SMP/2016-03-02_DCD__draft_for_CC_review_for_03-29_PH.pdf

The draft restoration plan for the March 8, 2016 meeting can be found at: https://sanjuanco.com/CDP/docs/SMP/2016-03-01_DCD_Restoration_Draft.pdf

The draft Comprehensive Plan Map with proposed shoreline designations for Lopez Island for the March 8, 2016 meeting can be found here: https://sanjuanco.com/CDP/docs/SMP/2016-03-03_DCD_Peihl__Draft_Lopez_Landuse_with_Proposed_SMP.pdf

The draft Comprehensive Plan Map with proposed shoreline designations for Orcas Island for the March 8, 2016 meeting can be found here: https://sanjuanco.com/CDP/docs/SMP/2016-03-03_DCD_Peihl_Draft_Orcas_Landuse_with_Proposed_SMP.pdf

The draft Comprehensive Plan Map with proposed shoreline designations for San Juan Island for the March 8, 2016 meeting can be found here: https://sanjuanco.com/CDP/docs/SMP/2016-03-03_DCD_peihl__Draft_San_Juan_Landuse_with_Proposed_SMP.pdf