— from Sandy Strehlou Town of Friday Harbor Historic Preservation Coordinator —

MtRainierKidsWhat are you doing this summer?

Join 50 high school students, teachers and preservationists from throughout Washington for a four-day field school on beautiful, rugged Mt. Rainier.

This is the State’s premier opportunity to learn about our region’s history while working with educators and professionals in the fields of historic preservation, history and archeology, forestry, and the National Park Service.

High school students (including 8th graders going into high school in the fall) are encouraged to apply. Participants can earn up to ten service hours for eligible local service programs while having fun and gaining valuable hands- on experience.

The Washington Trust for Historic Preservation is offering the program free of cost to all participants through a generous grant from the National Park Service, the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation, Discover Washington and the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation.

For information and application go to www.preservewa.org/discoverwashingtonyhp.aspx. Additional information available HERE.

The deadline for applying is May 20, 2016.