Thursday, March 3, from 3 to 5 p.m at the Eastsound Fire Hall

At the regular meeting of the Eastsound Planning Review Committee (EPRC) Co-chair Greg Ayers will introduce two new EPRC Members – Dan Vekved and Jeff Otis. EPRC member Ken Katz resigned last month.

Following a public comment session, the main topics to be discussed are:

1. Final review of Standard Streetscape plans – Colin Huntemer

2. Subarea Plan Review – Greg Ayers and John Campbell

• Rural Residential allowable uses
• Parking Plan
• Edits to Eastsound Design Review Committee (EDRC)
• Port of Orcas proposal for Mt Baker/No. Beach intersection property

3. Parking Project Update – Clyde Duke
4. Eastsound Visioning Project Status – Bob Maynard & Jim Jonassen
5. SJ County Public Works Prune Alley – NBR Property Discussion – Fred Klein
6. Lighting Project Update – Dan Vekved

7. County Council Update – Councilman Rick Hughes

A second public comment session will be held prior to adjournment.