Thursday, March, 3 – 5 p.m., Eastsound Fire Hall

— by Margie Doyle —

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Eastsound’s advisory planning board, the Eastsound Planning Review Committee (EPRC), will decide at its next meeting on the design standards of the new sidewalks planned for Prune Alley. The improvements have been discussed at EPRC monthly meetings since 2011. At the Feb 4 meeting, Assistant County Engineer Colin Huntemer, shepherding the process, described the discussions as nearing “the endgame. The only standard remaining for discussion is No. 904 “Crosswalk Layout Detail.” County Public Works Director Brian Vincent also attended the meeting.

The advisory EPRC voted to recommend approval (by a 5-1 vote with EPRC member Bob Maynard opposing) of all elements of the Street Standards except for 904 — the Crosswalk Layout Detail. Following a lengthy discussion regarding vegetation, line of sight, traffic concerns and village character, the EPRC requested that Huntemer present an additional option in addition to the three alternatives for corner designs given at the February EPRC meeting.

In discussing the three alternatives, Orcas landscaper Michael Budnick noted that any vegetation planted “has to be tough without water, fertilizer or care. The green sets off the town; there has to be some kind of vegetation. I’m glad it came up.”

Fred Klein questioned the application of national urban standards to Eastsound’s streets: “The scale concerns me about the amount of hardscape. I favor minimal amounts of concrete, some of this goes back to the conversations around town 20 years ago when the idea of putting sidewalks and curbs was the first step on the road to degradation and losing the character that we love so much about Eastsound.”

Clyde Duke said the street corner “hardscapes can be done differently to lend themselves to landscaping.”

Martha Fuller suggested that planters in the middle of the corner would not obstruct line of sight, and said, “We can improve our safety without turning into San Diego.”

As always, the public is welcome and encouraged to attend the monthly meeting of the county advisory board. There are public speaking times scheduled near the beginning and the end of the meeting.

The County Council will make the final decision regarding the EPRC recommendation.

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