— by Courtney Oldwyn for the San Juan Journal

Assaulted at gun point in the middle of the night in his home on Orcas island last week, Josh Mayson and his family are still reeling over the fact that a sheriff’s deputy didn’t arrive to investigate until 8:30 a.m. the next morning.

“This was a huge error on the part of the dispatcher and the on-duty supervisor that night,” said San Juan County Sheriff Ron Krebs. “The family is rightfully incredibly upset, as are we here at the Sheriff’s office. Everyone involved understands it was not the right thing to do.”

Mayson, a newly hired OPALCO apprentice lineman, was staying in a vacation rental cabin when a masked, gloved assailant allegedly came into his home around 3:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 9. He says the man held a gun to Mayson’s head, threatened to kill him and his daughter and stated that he “had nothing left to live for” and was “not afraid to die,” according to Mayson’s stepfather Dan Kimple, who spoke during an OPALCO board meeting on Feb. 19.

According to Kimple, his son texted his brother just after the assailant left. His brother came to the cabin, where they together called 9-1-1. They both spoke with the dispatcher who allegedly told them that since the gunman had left there was no need to wake the deputy on-call.

(To read the full article, go to http://www.sanjuanjournal.com/news/369495632.html)