— from Rick Manugian, Senator Ranker’s Office —

Sen. Kevin Ranker speaking Tuesday on the Senate floor.

Sen. Kevin Ranker speaking Tuesday on the Senate floor.

Sen. Kevin Ranker, D-Orcas Island, issued the following statement today following the passage of Senate Bill 6195 regarding the funding of basic education.

“This bill is barely better than no bill. It does not solve the problem. We had a bipartisan proposal that would have actually addressed this problem, but in the end neither side had the votes. We did not have the votes because it talked about revenue, it talked about the simple fact that to fix this problem — this $3.5 billion dollar problem — we’ve got to actually fund it.

“Elected officials at all levels need two things to do the right thing, and you can’t have one without the other. You need political cover and you need political pressure.

“We need people to come into our hearing rooms and into our offices and tell us, ‘Yes, that is a great idea, please do that and I am going to be there supporting you if you are willing to do that.’ But I also need those same people to come back with a bat, screaming and telling me that they are going to hold my feet to the fire if I do not do what’s right.

“At this point in time, we have the political cover. The people of Washington state are telling us that we need to do our job. The Supreme Court is telling us we need to do our job, and we have that political pressure. We have people screaming, saying ‘It’s been years — fully fund education!’

“I’ve been in this chamber for eight years, and we’ve been talking about this for eight years. For eight years, we’ve had that political pressure building and we still haven’t done our jobs.

“We need to be bold. We need to step up for our children. My little girl is in the second grade. Can we please solve this problem before she graduates?

“I voted for this bill to move forward because we need to do something, but we should not celebrate this. We should not feel that we’ve done our work. We should not feel that we’ve satisfied our moral and constitutional obligation.”