Thursday, February 18, 1:30 p.m., Orcas Library

— from Pegi Groundwater —

Turning 65 means that you are now eligible for health coverage through Medicare – the government funded insurance program available to people age 65 and older and to persons who have been on Social Security disability for at least 2 years. It covers medical and hospital expenses; prescription drug coverage is also available.

There will be a free presentation on Medicare basics for people who are new to Medicare at the Orcas Island Public Library at 1:30 on Thursday, February 18 in the Community Room. This presentation will be made by a volunteer with the Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors (SHIBA). Bring your questions and come learn more about Medicare.

The presentation will help you understand the rules that govern Medicare, which can be very confusing. There are deadlines that you must comply with for enrolling. You have to select the type of coverage you want from among several options. You can elect to stay with Basic Medicare, add drug coverage, select a Medicare Advantage plan or buy a Medicare Supplement.

Mistakes in signing up can mean you might not get the coverage you wanted or you may have to pay penalties later. There are also resources available to help pay for your Medicare expenses if you have limited income and resources

SHIBA is a free, unbiased and confidential counseling service sponsored by the Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner and locally by Island Hospital. Our trained volunteers help consumers of all ages understand their health care rights and options.

SHIBA offers current information on private health insurance, public health care programs, prescription drugs programs, and other topics. We answer questions, make referrals, help evaluate and compare health insurance policies, make public presentations, and more. Call us at 1-800-562-6900, or call us locally at 360-376-2561.

SHIBA volunteers are also available for individual consultations by appointment at the Orcas Medical Center. Call 376-2561 to schedule an appointment.