— from Rick Manugian, Senate Democratic Communications —

Sen. Kevin Ranker, D-Orcas Island, released this statement today regarding the attempt by Senate Republicans to remove protections for transgender men, women and children in Washington state.

“We finally have rules in place that reaffirm and clarify that we protect all members of our communities, including our transgender family members, friends and neighbors. Repealing this is unacceptable.

“Over recent weeks we’ve heard from hundreds of transgender members of our communities and their parents.

“We received a letter from a mother of a 31-year-old transgender woman who told us that it was only at the age of 29 that her daughter finally found the courage to live as her authentic self. This courage came after years of extreme depression, suicidal thoughts, self-mutilation and high school bullying because she felt she could never be who she was destined to be.

“We heard from another mother of a transgender child who wanted to remain anonymous as she felt her ‘child’s physical, social and emotional safety depends on anonymity.’

“I remember reading the statement from California Congressman Mike Honda who tweeted last year, ‘as the proud grandparent of a transgender granddaughter, I hope she can feel safe at school without the fear of being bullied.’

“These rules currently in place represent our continued fight for equality. Even more importantly however, they represent critical protections for members of our communities – protections that help allow them to live proudly as they are.

“When we turn our backs on any civil rights or equality, we turn our backs on the fundamental core values that make Washington state great.

“While this horrible legislation ultimately failed, the fact that it was allowed to come up for a vote demonstrated the Republican majority’s ability to be totally out of step with the core values of Washington State.”