— from Eric C. Webb, School Superintendent —

It is time once again to cast our votes on the upcoming replacement Maintenance & Operations Levy for Orcas Island Public Schools. Passage of the levy will provide approximately 25% of our overall district budget:

  • 30% Teacher Salaries
  • 90% Music & Athletics
  • 65% Staff Training
  • 75% Classified Staff Salaries
  • 65% ELL Program & Staff Training
  • 25% Special Education

These programs are vital to the success of the Orcas Island School District, which is why we hold this particular levy every four years.

Approximate Levy Rate per $1,000 Assessed Value would be $0.93 in 2017, $0.89 in 2018, $0.90 in 2019, and $0.88 in 2020. These rates would make the new four-year average levy rate lower than the current rate.

I am proud to be a part of a community of advocates and supporters of quality education for Orcas Island children!