— from Rebecca DeMeritt —

The Funhouse is expanding their mentoring program! Due to a grant from the Department of Social and Health Services’ Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery (DSHS/DBHR), the Funhouse will be reaching into the community to find adults who are willing to share their talents and interests with Orcas teens.

Orcas teens expressed interest in having adult mentors who could provide them with specific skills and career training opportunities. Building one-on-one relationships between teens and adults with the focus on developing skills that teens want to learn is a great way the Funhouse can help teens prepare for their futures.

Along with setting up one-on-one mentor matches, the Funhouse will offer group mentoring classes as part of an exciting new Friday evening schedule for both middle and high school students, starting in February. The Funhouse will host an outdoor adventure program, a workshop series with Beth Jenson for 6th-9th graders, an evening of topic exploration, and an evening of skill classes taught by talented Orcas community members.

There will also be a Job/Experience Fair this spring. This expansion in the Funhouse mentoring program will enhance opportunities for teens to explore what they are interested in and give them direct experience. Teens will also have learning opportunities with adults who have succeeded in these areas.

If you are interested in sharing your expertise and experience with Orcas teens, or if you are a teen looking for an adult mentor, please contact the Funhouse. Call: Rebecca at 376-7177 or email: Rebecca@thefunhouse.org.