— by Heidi Lindberg–

I need to thank the people publicly who came out of nowhere to help me, on a very cold damp day, when my usually trusty 38-year-old car stopped as I was backing into a parking space right in the main part of town. While I was still in the car trying to start it again a woman dropped her purse on the street and started to push me back into the space! Others showed up and got me into a more accessible nearby handicapped space so that the traffic that had stopped and seemed to wait so patiently could be on its way.

As I was contemplating my next move, Matt, who was across the street watching, came to see if he could help. \Not only did he help, but after considering various causes of the problem he located a part, gave it a whack, and I was off and running again! He then ordered a replacement for the offending (probably ancient) part that I picked up in a few days and plugged in myself. He would take no compensation for what he did for me, but my extremely heartfelt thanks.

I’ve been the lucky recipient of generous help over the last few years and it’s a very humbling experience. I feel so fortunate to live in such a community where strangers (and friends) are there to help one another. I wish I could express how much this means to me.