— Karen J. Key Speck, Property Manager, Cherie L. Lindholm RE, and Brian Ehrmantraut and Moana Kutsche —

In mid December the double doors at the Eastsound Marketplace building were ripped off their hinges due to the severe windstorms that struck not only the island but much of the western part of Washington State warranting the Governor’s state of emergency declaration. (This despite building management and tenants securing the doors late in the day in anticipation of the storm.)

The windstorm that broke the doors came at in inopportune time: a weekend, over a holiday period when vendors are less available, plus competing with other areas damaged. Scheduling them to come to Orcas to assess the damage takes a complete day out of their office day so it’s not an easy drive around the block, and then we awaited bids to come in.

Last Thursday, 1/14/16 we received the final bid. The owners swiftly made a decision within 24 hours and I placed a call to the vendor Friday, 1/15/16.

That same vendor came to the island this week to view the project in person and recommend some modifications after the site visit. We are now awaiting the final schematics.

The new doors will be an improvement across the board.

We apologize for any inconvenience the closure of the double doors may cause. As you know, part of the charm of remote- island-living is also its curse. Things just take time and we ask for your continued patience as we move forward. Echoing the bright yellow signs at the Marketplace building – All businesses are still open for your business!