— from Paul Kamin —

Since its inception in 2011 the Orcas Island Park and Rec District has been a remarkable success and a great value. Thanks to the leadership of the District staff and commissioners Buck Park now is receiving the stewardship it deserves.

Necessary repairs to the skate park have been made. The resurfaced tennis courts have sparked a significant revitalization of the sport on Orcas. In its first 5 years the District has assumed responsibility for a large portion of the island’s youth programming including youth soccer, t-ball, basketball, tennis and wrestling.

OIPRD staff, commissioners, and volunteers have built an organization we can be proud of. They have built partnerships that have strengthened numerous other local youth organizations. They have delivered on their commitment to the Orcas Island community after we approved the 2011 levy to support the formation of the District. Where would we be without OIPRD?

The next important step for OIPRD will be the upcoming Feb 9 special election. The District’s original levy is expiring, and it is time for the community to again vote on funding for the District. The new levy will run through 2022. I encourage you to vote YES.

The Park and Rec District’s “Infrastructure Investment” plan for the coming years is both necessary and impressive. They plan on playground upgrades, more skate park repairs, improvements to the grass playing fields, a new sand volleyball court, a new “multi-use court” and more. (Details at orcasparkandrec.org) The District is also helping develop a new, improved dog park.

Buck Park was a fabulous gift to the residents of Orcas, as was the Skate Park. We can show our appreciation for these gifts, by continuing to support the Orcas Park and Rec District and their stewardship of these facilities and the programs they make possible. Approval of the levy requires a 60% super majority.

Please VOTE before Feb 9th and VOTE YES to continue to support Orcas Park and Rec District.