Saturday January 9, 9:30am – 4pm at Center Works Studio on “A” Street

— from Anne Marie Schultz–

Start your year off right by dropping by the studio this coming Saturday to treat your self to a free class, nibble on food, meet our new teachers (Eric Underwood-pilates, Suzy Fraiser-Gyrotonic, -Susie Frank-yoga, Stacey Romillah-yoga), see old friends, make new friends, try a new class. We are excited to offer a whole day of free classes at the studio, and our teachers will be available through out the day for free one-on-one appointments and mini-sessions, consultations, and demos to personally answer your questions. We’ll have special package options available that day, plus a drawing for some great door prizes.

Come on by and see us, and bring your friends!!

Free Group Class schedule (for students new and old):

9:30 am: Open Level Pilates Mat class with Renee Segault
10:45 am: Hatha Yoga Flow with Susie Frank
12 noon: Pilates Tower with Vicki Sare
1:15 pm: Gyrokinesis with Anne Marie Schultz and Suzy Fraiser

One-on-one and mini sessions are available through-out the day, feel free to call ahead to reserve your space! 376-3659