Please join me in supporting Tony Ghazel’s re-election to the Orcas Island school board. He has the integrity, experience, wisdom and state-wide connections to lead our school district forward and advocate here and in Olympia for our students.

It takes a couple of years for a diligent school board member to become fully conversant with the many facets of the position, including local and state regulations, labor issues, curriculum and fiscal planning. Tony has been on the school board for 9 years. He has become extremely familiar with all of these areas, with particular expertise in stewarding the public’s funds for the greatest benefit to our schools. He fully understands the issues facing the schools today, and also how to plan for the future.

Tony has the ear of legislators in Olympia and the respect of other school officials throughout Washington. He has spent six years on the Washington State School Directors’ Association, an education advocacy group comprised of school board members from all districts in Washington. WSSDA drafts policies for school districts. They also discuss, prioritize and draft proposed legislation and lobby on the state level for legislative directions and changes that will benefit schools. Tony was elected by his fellow directors as vice-chair of the legislative committee, and has succeeded in shepherding legislation that benefits our school district.

Tony is an effective leader and advocate. He has accomplished a great deal for our students and our schools. I hope you will return him to office to build on his considerable successes and make the most of his valuable connections, experience and wisdom.

Moana Kutsche