To the editor-

Orcas is truly a remarkable place to call home. Neighbors helping neighbors is our credo.  When one struggles, several others step forward to lend a hand. We have developed a strong network of nonprofits, churches, and civic organizations to knit a strong, supportive and welcoming community together. Philanthropy is deeply imbedded in our island culture.

Wednesday, November 14th is National Philanthropy Day. If you serve on a Board or committee, thank you! If you donate to local charities, thank you! Have you volunteered in a classroom, helped clean up a beach or park, or cooked for a dinner kitchen? Thank you! Coach a team? Buy from a bake sale?  Lend a tool, share a ride? Thank you! On this day of recognition, I suspect all of Orcas should take a bow.

Your philanthropy is the strength of our community. Each kind act, contribution, and connection carries our tradition of caring for each other forward. Thank you.

Hilary Canty, Executive Director OICF