Thursday Sept. 13 at 11:30 a.m. at Rosario’s Beach House

From the Orcas Island Community Foundation

The Orcas Island Community Foundation (OICF) is delighted to announce that Fred Whitridge will be honored for his leadership in philanthropy at the Report to Community Luncheon on Thursday, September 13th. Fred has been instrumental in the development and support of many key Island organizations including the San Juan Preservation Trust, OPAL Community Land Trust, Orcas Center, Public Library and OICF. Our community is stronger, thanks to his efforts. We hope you can join us to honor his legacy at this event.

In addition, we will be introducing the founding members of the Orcas Island Legacy Circle. These are individuals who have stated their intention to name one or more island organizations in their estate plans.  Together, such gifts are the foundation for long term endowments to support the needs of our community well into the future. The Legacy Circle has been created to honor such intentions.

The luncheon will be held Thursday September 13 from 11:30am – 2pm at Rosario’s Beach House (formerly the Discovery House) is open to the community. Please call OICF at 376-6423 to purchase tickets ($35) and reserve your place.