— from the Office of the Governor —

The following bills were signed into law on March 10, 2016, by Governor Jay Inslee following the 60-day Legislative Session.

6295 Senate Relating to clarifying the venue in which coroner’s inquests are to be convened and payment of related costs.
6202 Senate Relating to the enforcement of employment rights arising from state active duty service by a member of the national guard.
6463 Senate Relating to luring.
6421 Senate Relating to authorized health care providers prescribing epinephrine autoinjectors in the name of authorized entities.
6376 Senate Relating to recognizing human trafficking awareness day.
6286 Senate Relating to reimbursement of correctional employees for offender assaults.
6282 Senate Relating to the mortgage lending fraud prosecution account.
6219 Senate Relating to sentencing for vehicular homicide.
5864 Senate Relating to sales and use tax for cities to offset municipal service costs to newly annexed areas.
5342 Senate Relating to human trafficking definitions.

While the governor signed 10 bills before him into law, he vetoed 27 others. To see a full description of each bill, go to https://app.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/ and type in the bill’s number, i.e. ESSB 5145.

The measures that Inslee vetoed included:

  • ESSB 5145: Health tech clinical comm.
  • SB 5265: Public funds/recip. deposits
  • SB 5458: Health district banking
  • SB 5549: Pharmacy assistants
  • SSB 5767: Local govt treasuries
  • SB 6148: Storage/personal property
  • SB 6162: Invasive species council
  • SB 6170: Retirement info. disclosure
  • SSB 6177: Marijuana research licenses
  • SB 6196: Energy site eval. council
  • ESSB 6206: Industrial hemp growing
  • SB 6220: Federal economic dev. funds
  • SSB 6281: Uniform athlete agents act
  • SSB 6284: Fire sprinkler systems
  • SSB 6290: Apple commission
  • SSB 6326: Automobile facility records
  • SSB 6341: Cannabis producer services
  • SSB 6342: Private activity bond alloc.
  • SSB 6354: Reverse transfer agreements
  • SB 6398: Cultural foods
  • SB 6401: Secondary fish receivers
  • SSB 6466: Higher ed. disabled students
  • SB 6491: Apostille services
  • SSB 6498: Recovery sponsor privilege
  • SSB 6569: Patient out-of-pocket costs
  • ESSB 6606: Wholesale vehicle dealers
  • SB 6633: Marine resources adv council

The Washington State Legislature concluded the regular 60-day legislative session on Thursday, March 10 but Gov. Inslee immediately called them back for a special session to finish several bills. Inslee said, “Legislators have one fundamental task they are required to do every year and that is to keep the state’s budget balanced. They had sixty days to make some relatively minor adjustments, and have yet to make the reasonable compromises that are necessary.

“I am keeping the clock running. There is no break and no rest – legislators need to balance the books and finish their job.”