— from Washington State Ferries —

WSF is one of the main features in the 71st edition of WSDOT’s Gray Notebook, an agency tool that provides quarterly performance information for all divisions across WSDOT. The issue includes annual articles focusing on asset management, tracking the progress of maintenance, preservation and improvements at the Ferries and Aviation divisions, along with WSDOT capital facilities. A few highlights from the Ferries’ section include:

  • On average, our vessels were available for operation 82 percent of fiscal year 2018
  • Approximately 90 percent of our terminals’ structural systems were in fair or better condition at end of calendar year 2017
  • Our newest ferry, the 144-vehicle Suquamish, went into service in October 2018
  • Completed initial draft of our 2040 Long Range Plan, which had been provided to the public for stakeholder feedback