Tuesday, March 15, 3:30 p.m., Episcopal Parish Hall

— from Russel Barsh, Director, KWIAHT —

Celebrate Indian Island marine science research and stewardship with tea, scones, quiches and sweets at the Episcopal Parish Hall on Tuesday, March 15, beginning 3:30 pm right after school.

There will be displays on plankton blooms, on our Indian Island monitoring data, and all about soaps and detergents in the environment–this year’s theme for research and action. A slideshow and “classroom demonstration” will form the centerpiece of this high-tea event, and if you us bring a bottle of liquid soap — the kind of soaps that says they’re “natural” or “earth friendly” but you can’t understand the ingredients on the label — we’ll exchange it for a bar of locally made Island Thyme soap specially crafted for this occasion!

As always, it’s free.

I hope to see you on Tuesday March 15.

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